
About Haselton Villa Home Owners, Inc.

Haselton Villa Home Owners, Inc. is a registered Florida Non-Profit Corporation formed on January 21, 2009   We file annual Corporation reports with the State of Florida and file annual Non-Profit Corporation annual Federal Income Tax Form 1120H.  As a corporation, we are granted certain rights and privileges under Chapter 723 of the Florida State Statutes.

You must be a resident of Haselton Village to become a member of the Haselton Villa Home Owners, Inc. (HVHO).   Annual membership is $12.00 per household.  You may become a member by depositing your check in the HVHO Lock Box in the Clubhouse, mailing your check and address information to Haselton Villa Home Owners,  Inc., 86A Coral Street, Eustis, Florida 32726, or by contacting any Director.

The annual dues of $12 per household provides a fund for expenses.  Membership entitles you to vote on representatives to the board of directors, by-law changes, and other matters that come before the Haselton Villa Home Owners Inc. board.  All members are invited to attend the monthly board of directors meeting typically held immediately following the Social Club meeting on the first Saturday of the month.

The annual meeting of the HVHO is held in February in the Clubhouse.  At this meeting elections are held for new representatives on the board and each household is entitled to one vote for the election and other business to come before the board at that time.  We invite you to contact a member of the board and become a member of the HVHO.

Some of the benefits of your membership dues:
  • Represent members interests in communications with the Park Owner.
  • Ensure any increase in rents or other charges conform to your rental agreement as well as to the state laws.
  • Assist members in disputes with the Park Management.
  • Maintain funds for the legal assistance to protect home owners from unjust legal action as necessary.
  • Protect our residents' rights and privileges granted under Chapter 723 of the Florida Statutes.
  • Allow our residents the enjoyment of playing Bingo as granted to the HVHO under Florida Statutes,
As the HVHO does not own or maintain any property in Haselton Village, one of the largest benefits of our HVHO is providing social and recreational activities for the benefit of our residents which promotes a strong community bond with each other.  

The social and recreational activities fall under the umbrella of the HVHO and are organized by the Social Club which is provided the opportunity to elect their own officers, organize and schedule activities, and to create their own guidelines.  The Social Club determines their own membership fees which is currently $10 per person. annually.  You do not need to be a member of the HVHO or the Social Club to participate in any of our regular activities.  Special events may require membership.

No HVHO Director, Social Club Officer, or Activity Chairpersons receive any financial compensation.  All volunteer their time and talents on your behalf.

Current HVHO Directors and Terms of Office:

Donna Cummings, President, Term expires 2026
Linda Baker, Vice-President, Term expires 2026
Jil Girvin, Secretary, Term expires 2025
Jerry Dobbs, Treasurer, Term expires 2025
Carmin Dobbs, Director, Term expires 2025