Haselton Villa Home Owners, Inc., Terms of use

The information on this web site is believed to be accurate and we do our best to update the information and make any necessary corrections as soon as possible.  However, neither the Haselton Villa Home Owners, Inc. (HVHO), nor any of its officers, directors, committees, representatives or employees guarantee and/or warranty the accuracy of any of the information contained on this web site.  HVHO will not be held liable for any inaccuracies or incorrect use of the information contained herein. For the convenience of those using this web site we provide links to other web sites operated by third parties.  HVHO will not be held liable for any information that may be found on these linked web sites and does not necessarily endorse the opinions, advice or services offered by such third-party web sites. As a condition of using this web site and the information contained herein you understand and agree that you do so at your own risk.  
